Horbury Bridge CE

Living by Our Christian Values: Together in Faith, Hope and Love

Our Church Year


Our Easter Journey invited families to journey around school with their children to explore key events of the Easter Story. The children retold each part of the story and invited everyone and take part in a simple reflection to relate to their own lives, whatever their faith or belief, including those who have none. 

Easter Journey 2022



 Epiphany is celebrated by Christians around the world to mark the Three Kings visiting Jesus.

Our school has a traditional Epiphany Blessing chalked over the doorway each year.


CMB - the initials of the Three Kings (Caspar, Melchior, Balthazar) and also the Latin phrase 'Christus Mansionem Benedicat ' meaning 'Christ bless this house'

2022 - the current year

+  the cross as a symbol of Jesus

The crowns also symbolise the 3 Kings



At Christmas, we celebrate with traditional Christmas dinner, a whole school party lunch, our Christingle Service and Christmas performances retelling the Nativity. 

Christingle 2021

Our family 'Christingle Journey' included reflective questions and activities based on Advent, Christmas, the Epiphany, Candlemas, and the Christingle itself.  Each child had a role in explaining the importance of each celebration, linking this to the Christingle and the school’s vision, ‘Together in Faith, Hope and Love’.

Christingle 2019


 Posada is a Mexican Christian tradition which re-enacts Mary and Joseph's search for a place to stay by travelling from house to house and is celebrated with food, song and reflection of Christian Values. 'Posada' is Spanish for 'inn' or 'shelter'.

At Advent, as we start to think about and get ready for Christmas, our children are invited to welcome Mary and Joseph (knitted by Sister Elizabeth) into their own homes for an evening and to reflect on the message of hope and love at Christmas.

posada photos

Every week in December, we light a candle in our Advent Wreath.

Each candle represents someone special and an important Christian Value:

Week 1-God’s people (the Patriarchs)-the candle of hope

Week 2-The Prophets-the candle of peace

Week 3- John the Baptist- the candle of joy, is the pink candle

Week 4- Mary the mother of Jesus, -the candle of love

The white candle in the middle represents Jesus and is lit on Christmas Day

Father Christopher blesses our candles before we light them



In our Harvest Service, our songs, readings and dramas remind us to be thankful for all we have in our lives and think about others in our country and around the World, who are in need. We know we can all make a difference in our World and have a Harvest Collection to support this. Our donations have supported various charities such as : local foodbanks, Wakefield Give Box, Leeds Diocese Water for Life project and our Link school Mmazami Primary, in Tanzania.  

Holiday Club help load the car with this year's food collection
