Horbury Bridge CE

Living by Our Christian Values: Together in Faith, Hope and Love


Every human is an artist

Don Miguel Ruiz

 Our Art Principles

Pupils should:

  • see themselves as artists
  • understand that art is subjective and is created to provoke thoughts, opinions and questions
  • develop the knowledge and skills to create original pieces of art, craft and design
  • develop a deep understanding of art and design by evaluating and analysing their pieces
  • use their sketchbooks to collect and generate ideas
  • know a range of artists and design genres
  • understand the place of art in history and that it can help us to understand different cultures
  • have opportunities to display their learning and celebrate their artistic outcomes
  • know the key knowledge and skills identified in each unit, so that they have a firm knowledge base to continue studying.

Our Art curriculum is mapped across the year groups in three forms: substantive knowledge, disciplinary knowledge and vocabulary. 

  1. Substantive knowledge includes the teaching of artistic techniques and the seven formal elements of art. This is based on the knowledge specified in the National Curriculum. 
  2. Disciplinary knowledge relates to how artists work to construct their understanding. Our aim is for pupils to learn more, do more and remember more. 
  3. We teach vocabulary explicitly alongside the substantive and disciplinary concepts. 

For a more detailed look at our Art Curriculum, please see the Art Overview Document below  or  download here

art overview hba.pdf